Home Invitation

Welcome To Our wedding

We Are Most Welcome You In Our Wedding Ceremony

You have always been the perfect guardian for us. Your presence will more than expected during this holy occasion of our lives. Bless our holy union with presence so that our journey may turn out nothing but bliss…

The Ceremony

The honor of your presence is must requested on 28th Sept,2020!

The Reception

The Celebration of our togetherne-ss is held on 30th Sept,2020!

Emma Marie

We, Ketty Dustin & Margaret request the honor of your presence at the marriage of beloved daughter, Emma

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Emma Marie


Roko Button

15. October 2020

At 7 o clock in the evening
Royal Villa macadamiana Second at Marianberg Hilltop Dr Menomonce Falls, Wi 98061 US


Roko Button

We, Kinsley Button & Beckham request the honor of your presence at the marriage of beloved son, Roko

Wedding Special Images

Our Best Captured Moments

It’s no secret that a wedding is the most expensive party most people will ever throw. Wedco will you might want to opt for something edible, like a box of sweets or a locally produced foods. View more photos

We are Getting married !

Famed for our breathtaking landscapes, majestic ancient castles & stunning natural beauty, Scotland is the perfect destination to the host our wedding. Be relax and enjoy the most awaited wedding our saga! with beautiful atmosphere  location.

Decoration 85%
Planing 80%
Catering 92%

Wedding attend

Will You Attend wedding

    Yes I Will Be There.Sorry, I can’t come

    Wedding Events

    When And Where

    The Reception

    Friday, 30 Oct, 2020

    12:00 PM – 4:30 PM

    Los Angeles NY45

    16 West 25th Str Usa

    +3 987-654-3210

    Ring Ceremony

    Saturday, 16 Oct, 2020

    12:00 PM – 4:30 PM

    Los Angeles NY45

    16 West 25th Str Usa

    +3 987-654-3210

    The DJ Party

    Saturday, 16 Oct, 2020

    12:00 PM – 4:30 PM

    Los Angeles NY45

    16 West 25th Str Usa

    +3 987-654-3210


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